MMRPAug 292 minNew publication: Inferring dolphin population status: using unoccupied aerialsystems to quantify age-structure.Written by Fabien Vivier We are pleased to announce a new publication in Animal Conservation entitled: Inferring dolphin population...
MMRPFeb 165 minEavesdropping on Hawai'i blackfish using biologging tagsWritten by Brijonnay Madrigal False killer whales (FKW) (Pseudorca crassidens) and short-finned pilot whales (SFPW) (Globicephala...
MMRPJul 3, 20233 minPlastic Free July - 12 Years on... Written by Claire Lacey. If you’ve never come across it, the idea of “Plastic Free July” originated in Western Australia in 2011 as an...
MMRPOct 16, 20214 minMediterranean monk seal body condition and dolphin demographics using drone-photogrammetryWritten by Fabien Vivier. Did you know that three species of monk seals have been identified in the world? The three species arthe...