PhD students
Brian Branstetter
PhD 2005: Sound localization and auditory perception by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Kim Andrews
PhD 2009: Barriers to Gene Flow in the Spinner Dolphin (Stenella longirostris)

T. Aran Mooney
PhD 2008: Temporal effects of sound on the odontocete auditory system: an electrophysiological analysis.
PhD 2010: Non-song sound production and its behavioral context in humpback
whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
Laura Kloepper
PhD, 2012: Dynamics of echolocation in odontocetes
Giacomo Giorli
PhD 2015: Deep Diving Odontocetes Foraging Strategies: Using Acoustical Techniques to Investigate on Odontocetes' Deep Sea Foraging and Foraging Fields
2016-2017: Post-Doc

Adrienne Copeland
University of Hawaii at Manoa/NOAA
PhD 2016: Influences of spatial and temporal variability of sound scattering layers on deep diving odontocetes behavior
Kristen Taylor
PhD 2013: Directional Hearing and a Head-Related Transfer Function (HRTF) of an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Lee Shannon
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Kelly Benoit-Bird
PhD 2003: Dynamics of the Hawai‘ian Mesopelagic Boundary Community and their effects on Predator Foraging
2003-2004: Post-Doc
PhD 2005: Auditory perception of three Delphinid species: the false killer whale, the bottlenose dolphin, and the Risso’s dolphin.
Marc Lammers
PhD 2003: The Behavior and broadband acoustic signaling of Hawaiian spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris)
2003-2007: Post-Doc
2007-2017: Assistant/Associate Researcher
Stuart Ibsen
PhD 2006: Use of phantom echo techniques to determine echolocation parameters and strategies of dolphins

Adam Smith
PhD 2017: Characteristics of hearing and echolocation in under-studied odontocete species
PhD 2017: Acoustic ecology of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the Hawaiian Archipelago.
Master's students
Aliza Milette-Winfree
M.A. 2015: It Takes Two: the simulation of a social interaction to quantify variations in acoustic cues with animal position and head morphology.
Sanami Nakayama
M.S. 2015: Evoked Potential (AEP) system by measuring the hearing of a false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens)

Liah McPherson
M.S. 2023: Abundance and demographic parameters of spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris subsp.) off Oʻahu's Waiʻanae Coast.
Post-doctoral fellows

Songhai Li
2009-2011: Post doctoral researcher

Dera Look
1997-2009: Animal Care and Training

Linda Choy
Enjoying retirement
1993-2015: Director's assistant

Stephanie Vlachos
MMRP Cetacean stranding response and NOAA/PSD/NMFS (Hawaiian monk seal program) volunteer
2005-2015: Animal care and training
Visiting students and interns
Chong Wei
2013-2015: Doctoral student (PhD 2016: The Physical Mechanism of Beam Formation in Dolphin’s Biosonar)