Eavesdropping on Hawai'i blackfish using biologging tags
Written by Brijonnay Madrigal False killer whales (FKW) (Pseudorca crassidens) and short-finned pilot whales (SFPW) (Globicephala...
Eavesdropping on Hawai'i blackfish using biologging tags
Secret life of seals: Exploring the underwater acoustic behavior of Hawaiian monk seals with biologging tags
MMRP Interns Receive Funding Through UROP at UH Mānoa
New Publication: Killer whale call catalog and ecotype presence in the Chukchi Sea
Hawaiian Monk Seal Karaoke Gone Wrong
New Publication: Hawaiian monk seal underwater hearing and communication
The Ocean is Calling: My Journey with NOAA and Underwater Listening
Eavesdropping on Hawaiian monk seals