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List of MMRP scientific presentations

J. Drazen, C. Smith, K. Gjerde, S. Haddock, G. Carter, M. Clark, A. Choy, P. Dutrieux, E. Goetze, C. Hauton, M. Hatta, T.  Koslow, A. Leitner, A. Pacini, J. Perelman, T. Peacock, T. Sutton, L. Watling, H. Yamamoto. Consideration of midwater ecosystems is required to fully evaluate the environmental risks of deep-sea mining. Ocean Science Meeting. February 2020. San Diego, California

K. Parnell, C. Reichmuth, J. Sills, Close-range received levels of Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) underwater calls. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain


C. Reichmuth, J. Sills, K. Parnell, B. Ruscher-Hill, B. Underwater hearing and communication in the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi). 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

L. Bejder.  The Use of Innovative Technology to Study Resident and Migratory Cetaceans. NOAA Inouye Regional Center. December 2019. Honolulu, Hawaii


V. Senigaglia, L. Bejder, M. Cantor, F. Christiansen. Fitness cost of food-provisioning on bottlenose dolphins can be related to an impoverished social environment. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

A. Pacini, P. Sorensen, P. Madsen, S. Martínez-Aguilar, S. Swartz, J. Urban, F. Christiansen, S. Videsen, L. Bejder. Energetic budgets of gray whale mother-calf pairs on their breeding ground in San Ignacio Lagoon, Mexico. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

F. Vivier, A. Bradford, M. Hill, E. Oleson, K. Yano, A. Pacini, C. Booth, J. Pawloski, J. Rocho-Levine, L. Bejder. (2019). Calibrating Unoccupied Aerial System (UAS) photogrammetry to derive delphinid population demographic parameters. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

K. Cates, F. Christiansen, L. Bejder, B. Keller. Automated pixel-based tool for assessment of body condition in large whales. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

G. Parra, S. Allen, L. Bejder, T. Hunt. Assortative interactions revealed in a fission–fusion society of Australian humpback dolphins. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine MammalsDecember 2019. Barcelona, Spain

M. van Aswegen, A. Szabo, F. Vivier, A. Pacini, F. Sharpe, L. Bejder. Estimating entanglement and vessel collision scarring rates in southeast Alaskan Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) using unoccupied aerial systems. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

S. Videsen, P. Madsen, L. Bejder, K. Sprogis. Male humpback whale song behaviour: Singing while on the move. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

O. Manlik, D. Chabanne,  L. Bejder,  S. Allen, M. Krützen, A. Kopps, C. Daniel, J. Mann, C. Frère, R. Connor, W. Sherwin. Integrating demography and genetics to guide conservation: A case study of coastal dolphin populations. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain


D. Zitterbart, H. Smith, M. Flau, E. Burkhardt, V. Moulton, A. Pacini, O. Boebel. Scaling the laws of marine mammal detection using thermal imaging. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain


K. Nicholson, H. Finn, N. Loneragan, L. Bejder. Thirty years of records highlight an Australian stranding hotspot for a resident community of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins within a microtidal estuary. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

A. Rivard, R. Gisiner, D. Fertl, S. Courbis, A. Pacini. Behavioral effects of sound from marine geophysical surveys on marine mammals: a literature review. 23rd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. December 2019. Barcelona, Spain

L. Bejder. The use of innovative technologies to study resident and migratory cetaceans.  JIMAR Symposium. New Technologies Driving Ocean Science Breakthroughs. November 2019. Honolulu, Hawaii

F. Vivier, A. Bradford, M. Hill, E. Oleson, K. Yano, A. Pacini, E. Leunissen, J. Rocho-Levine, C.G. Booth, L. Bejder. Calibrating Unoccupied Aerial System (UAS) photogrammetry to derive delphinid population demographic parameters. JIMAR Symposium. New Technologies Driving Ocean Science Breakthroughs. November 2019. Honolulu, Hawaii


S. Courbis, A. Rivard, R.  Gisiner, D. Fertl, A. Pacini. Behavioral effects of sound on marine mammals: Application of literature review to decision-making. AWEA Offshore Windpower 2019 Conference. October 2019. Boston, Massachusetts 

R. Gisiner, A. Rivard, D. Fertl, S. Courbis, A. Pacini. Behavioral effects of sound from marine geophysical surveys on marine mammals: a literature review. International conference on the effects of noise on aquatic life. July 2019. The Hague, the Netherlands

L. Bejder. Impacts of human disturbance on spinner dolphin resting behavior. Marine Mammal Commission Annual Meeting. May 2019. Kona, Hawaii

A. Pacini. Assessing humpback whale body condition and health with UAVs. Marine Mammal Commission Annual Meeting. May 2019. Kona Hawaii

F. Vivier, A. Bradford, M. Hill, E. Oleson, K. Yano, J. Pawloski, C.G. Booth, L. Bejder. Calibrating Unoccupied Aerial System (UAS) photogrammetry to derive delphinid population demographic parameters. Poster presented at the 44th Annual Tester Symposium. April 2019. Honolulu, Hawaii

K. Parnell, S. Ortiz, M. and Wahlberg. A novel approach at evaluating wild harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) display behaviors. Danish Sea Research Conference. January 2019. Odense, Denmark 

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